Thursday, July 3, 2008

Captain Juan Cook took out Dave Glinn, Thom Brown and John Scanlon out for a day of Halibut fishing. Since the past two days have been great inside the San Quintin bay for Halibut they decided to fish there. They ended up landing a huge Black Seabass.

Captain Juan took the guys over to the halibut spot when they had a bite. They started reeling in. Thom actually hooked it and it tired him out after a half hour, so Dave took over for another half hour, John wanted to try as well so he tried reeling it in for 20 minutes and finally Dave (OGD) took over and after 10 minutes he got it on the boat. The Black Seabass towed them for about three miles inside the bay.

Along with the black seabass they also caught limits of halibut to 10 pounds.

Yesterday the guys went out to the open ocean and caught limits of rock cod.

Thumbs up boys.

And Don't forget Don Eddie still has some waterfront lots for sale!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

San Quintin, Baja Halibut!!!

Today was windy in San Quintin so the guys who went out fishing decided to stay and fish in the bay. The made a great choice because they caught all kinds of halibut.

Captain Juan Cook went out with Dave Glinn and John Scanlon and caught tons of halibut.

Bobby Palmer and Andrew Palmer also were fishing in the bay and did great with halibut.